Cats are mysterious and fascinating animals, whose behavior can sometimes leave us perplexed. Yet, they have their own language, a body language that it is possible to decipher. Here are 7 signs not to overlook to better understand your feline.

1. The Tail

The tail of the cat is a key indicator of its mood. If it is raised with the tip slightly curved, it means that your cat is happy and sociable. On the other hand, if it is swollen and bristled, it signifies that it is scared or aggressive.

2. The Ears

A cat's ears can say a lot about what it feels. If they are straight and tilted slightly forward, it indicates that the cat is curious and alert. If they are flattened against the head, your cat is probably scared or aggressive.

3. The Eyes

The eyes of the cat are also very expressive. A friendly cat blinks slowly and its eyes are awake. Conversely, a fixed and dilated gaze may be a sign of aggression.

4. The Body

If your cat rubs against you, it's a sign of affection. If it lies on its back, it's a sign of trust, but beware, this does not necessarily mean it wants to be petted on the stomach. A cat that makes itself small, with its back rounded and its fur bristled, is in a defensive position.

5. The Whiskers

The whiskers of the cat are an important communication tool. A relaxed cat will have its whiskers slightly spread out and oriented forward5. If they are pressed against the face, it's a sign of stress or fear.

6. The Meows

Cats also communicate through sound. A soft and high-pitched meow is usually a sign of contentment, while a deep or hoarse meow may indicate pain or discomfort.

7. The Yawning

A cat that yawns in your presence may express a feeling of comfort and security. It's a sign that it feels relaxed and at ease with you.

Understanding your cat's body language can help you better respond to its needs and strengthen your bond with it. Remember that every cat is unique and these signs can vary from one individual to another. Observation and patience are the keys to deciphering your feline's language.