When the good weather arrives, it's so nice to spend time outside – for us and for the pets. However, more time spent outdoors can mean heatstroke, accidents, fights, bites, allergic reactions, etc. Veterinary clinics are also reporting an increase in visits in the spring.

Here are some things to look out for to keep our furry friends safe during this wonderful start to spring.

1. Melting snow

The weather gets warmer, the snow melts and the residue resurfaces. Your doggies' keen sense of smell makes them want to discover everything that is thawing (small dead animals, excrement, waste, etc.) In addition, everything is topped with salt (de-icing)! These substances are full of bacteria and can be dangerous for your dog.

A few simple tips to prevent emergency visits to your veterinarian:

-Monitor your dog during walks to prevent him from ingesting things he shouldn't;

-Give him a meal or snack before going outside to play;

-Have him vaccinated and dewormed.

2. Easter

The arrival of spring comes with delicious sweet chocolate bunnies! But your kids aren’t the only ones who love chasing chocolates…so do your dogs.

Rarely fatal for animals, chocolate can still be toxic to dogs. It usually contains caffeine and theobromine, chemicals used medicinally as a diuretic, heart stimulant, blood vessel dilator and muscle relaxant (Ahna Brutlag , Poison Helpline). Dogs are more sensitive to the effects of these substances because they are not able to metabolize them as well as humans.

The moral: Keep your Easter chocolates safe from your animals!

3. Spring cleaning

Now that the snow has melted, we realize how dirty our windows and door frames are! It’s spring cleaning time! Cleaning products can be dangerous for your animals. It is therefore important to never leave cleaning products in an accessible or unattended place. Dogs are curious and might want to try smelly but toxic products.

You can also reduce the risk of poisoning by using products that are environmentally friendly, non-toxic and safe for animals. It’s not only good for your pet, but also for you and the planet!

4. Parasites

In spring, parasites (ticks, fleas, etc.) come out of their hiding places and want to party with us and our pets. We could do without them!

Increasingly numerous in Quebec, ticks represent a real danger for your pet. Just like humans, dogs can get Lyme disease. These parasites emerge as soon as temperatures rise above 5°C.

Consult your veterinarian to find the best prevention treatment suitable for your pet.

5. Pesticides

Just like cleaning products, pesticides can be very harmful to your doggies. All it takes is for your dog to walk on your lawn or shrubs that have just been treated, then lick his paws, and he will ingest chemicals.

Be sure to keep your pet out of treated areas during pesticide application until the products have been properly absorbed.

For more tips on how to protect your pets when using pesticides, visit Government of Canada.

In conclusion

The arrival of spring is a very pleasant time but carries its share of dangers. Just like having a child, having a pet is a full-time contract. It must be taken care of and monitored.

Our simple but effective tips for a safe spring with your dog:

-Keep an eye on it

-Have him vaccinated and dewormed

-Examine it regularly

-Take it to your groomer regularly

-Store toxic products up high or under lock and key

Happy start of spring!