You will certainly spend your pet's moulting period, far from its groomer... So during this confinement, let's talk about moulting!The simplified hair cycle of dogs is quite simple, they grow, then die and shed all the time.
Despite this cycle, twice a year hair loss is accentuated with changes in temperature, in spring and fall.In spring, shedding is often very intense: the dog loses its winter hair and the coat becomes much lighter.In autumn, moulting precedes the densification of the hair into winter hair, the hair becomes longer and denser.
Shedding is different from one dog to another, depending on its breed. In fact, some breeds barely shed like poodles, others like huskies have a very significant undercoat in winter and hair loss during climate changes can be impressive!More relaxed dogs (who mostly stay at home) tend to lose their hair all year round because climate changes are only very minimal.
A poor diet or poor quality diet can cause regular hair loss. Adjusting your pet's diet will do a lot of good for their hair loss cycle.
Of course excessive hair loss can be a sign of illness. Associated with pimples or patches on the skin, pruritus also causes significant hair loss; there is certainly a dermatological condition (parasite, infection, allergy, etc.). Certain endocrine diseases also cause hair loss in abnormal patches.A good shedding treatment is the key to surviving your dog's shedding.The treatment of shedding consists of removing the excess undercoat as well as the dead hair by gently and thoroughly brushing mechanically (brushing) and technically (hydromassage, dryers and suitable shampoos for example Dogmüe from DOGMÄ).
The dogmue in detail: This formula is rich in active ingredients to help precipitate the loss of dead hair from the undercoat which sometimes struggles to fall out without a little help.
This seasonal treatment will not only allow you to rid your dog's fur of dead hair but also to air out the epidermis and allow the new fur to take its place.
At the end of the grooming, you will feel like you have a brand new, grateful dog and a satisfied owner!
How to use the DOGMUE:
-We start with a preliminary energetic brushing- Shampoo with Detox, then rinse-Apply DOGMUE generously to the dog's body and legs-Leave it to act for 5 to 10 minutes while brushing-Rinse thoroughly
-Proceed with the finishing shampoo depending on the breed and utility.-Rinse-Dry with a powerful blow dryer < strong>**
-You can finish with DogGläm® moisturizing perfume. The latter will help maintain the maintenance of the cut and the smell of your dog between two treatments at your groomer.
Many want to shear animals that shed, however shearing an animal with an undercoat is totally not recommended. In fact, they are double-coated dogs. The first layer, the undercoat, is downy, fine, short hair (closest to the skin). It is this layer that the animal loses during molting. This layer serves to trap air and is insulating for the dog. It keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer.
The second layer of hair is the finishing layer, it is made up of guard hairs which do not shed. This protects your pet against the sun's harmful rays, bad weather and insect bites.
The only reason a person may need to clip their dog's undercoat would be medical, for example an extreme skin problem.General rule, if your dog has hair that continually grows, it can be sheared! If, on the contrary, the hair remains the same length and your dog sheds... This is not a breed that you should shear!
During our confinement, don't forget to brush and comb your pet well.
** Without a powerful dryer, dead hair risks sticking to healthy hair and creating humidity and hot spots (fungus ) may result.
In case you do not have , please wait for your groomer and brush while waiting.
Article written by
Aude Daigneault,
Animal health technician,
Groomer and Blogger of the Life of a Groomer page.