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Concentrated organic cider vinegar (CID-BIO)

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Introducing our new product: The DOGMÄ CID-BIO

Certified Organic, our cider vinegar is unfiltered and unpasteurized with herbal infusions. Contains 5% acidity.

This product is conceived with a Mother and a maceration of calendula, lavender, orange peels and marshmallow root.

Available in 2 versions:

1. Concentrated (to be diluted): rinse after the bath (use with hydrosurge or water gun: 30 ml for small dogs and 60 ml for large dogs, or to be diluted in a container at a ratio of 4 to 1.

*If diluted in advance, use distilled or purified water to avoid contaminating the product.

2. Ready to use: spray directly on the fur or apply on a compress to treat inflamed areas.

Why a cider vinegar rinse?

  • To restore the skin's pH balance
  • To prevent bacterial proliferation
  • To restore the skin microbiome by adding active bacteria
  • To destroys bacteria that cause bad odors

Maceration of more than 30 days:

  • Calendula: For its soothing, regenerating, antibacterial, moisturizing & anti-inflammatory properties. It also slows down pigment spots and warts.
  • Lavender: For its insect repellent, calming, healing, deodorizing, anti-dandruff, and antibacterial properties.
  • Orange peel: For its antibacterial, deodorizing, anti-mosquito, toning, astringent, and energizing properties
  • Marshmallow root: soothing for skin irritations, burns, insect bites and immunomodulators.

*Avoid contact with eyes.

Dilution: Dilute the Cid-Bio vinegar with water. A common ratio is 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water. Adjust as needed based on your pet's size and coat condition.
Application: After completing the grooming steps and rinsing your pet thoroughly, apply the diluted vinegar rinse to their coat. Make sure to cover all areas, especially spots with skin issues or strong odors.
Massage: Gently massage the solution into the fur and skin to ensure even distribution.
Regular use: Incorporate the vinegar rinse into your pet's regular grooming routine to maintain a healthy coat and skin.
Precaution: Avoid contact with eyes and open wounds. If irritation occurs, discontinue use.

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Il y a 281 days
Toilettage Mélanie Fortin

Super, enlève vraiment l’odeur persistante de doritos des pattes de chien, pour le temps de séchage je n’ai pas vraiment vu de différence.

Il y a 735 days

super, aide le séchage!

Il y a 868 days
Laurie Genest

Très bon produit. Aide au séchage des chiens !!

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